This Web page gathers information related to the tool XTic, part of a research work "Automatic Extraction of Developer Expertise", to be presented in EASE 2014 conference (London, UK).


Download it

XTic is designed with OSGi technology. Please get the right version from the following list:

First Run

1) Make sure MongoDB is running on localhost.

2) Unzip the archive file you've downloaded and go into the XTic-demo directory. Then launch the executable eclipse. An OSGi console with a prompt should be displayed :

Time to load bundles: 238
***** XTIC *****
osgi> [1] demo [DB : xtic_demo - 1 repositories]

3) Each numbered entry corresponds to a launch configuration. Just enter :

osgi> xtic 1

4) You should get the following execution trace.

[2014/05/09 11:49:19] Drop database xtic_demo
mai 09, 2014 11:49:19 AM org.mongodb.morphia.logging.MorphiaLoggerFactory chooseLoggerFactory
INFO: LoggerImplFactory set to org.mongodb.morphia.logging.jdk.JDKLoggerFactory
[2014/05/09 11:49:24] [] Init Workspace
[2014/05/09 11:49:24] [] Initializing new local workspace at: /home/cedric/Harmony/HarmonyWorkingDirectory/tmp/
[2014/05/09 11:49:28] [] Extracting Model
[2014/05/09 11:49:29] [] Extraction finished
[2014/05/09 11:49:29] [] Running XticAnalysis
[2014/05/09 11:49:32] [] 231 events 
[2014/05/09 11:49:32] [] 0/231
[2014/05/09 11:49:32] [] 20/231
[2014/05/09 11:49:35] [] 220/231
[2014/05/09 11:49:35] Delete workspace /home/cedric/Harmony/HarmonyWorkingDirectory/tmp/
[2014/05/09 11:49:35] Finished execution of analyses
[2014/05/09 11:49:36] Reporting - ReportCSVMatrix
[2014/05/09 11:49:36] Reporting - ReportCSVTime
[2014/05/09 11:49:36] Reporting - ReportHTMLIndex
[2014/05/09 11:49:36] Reporting - ReportHTMLDevelopers
[2014/05/09 11:49:36] Reporting - ReportHTMLEvolutionAptitudes
[2014/05/09 11:49:37] Reporting - ReportHTMLMatrix

If it's the case, it means everything works fine ! :)

A directory out should be created, and contains the output of the execution.

Now, you can check how to configure XTic execution