This Web page gathers information related to the tool XTic, part of a research work "Automatic Extraction of Developer Expertise", to be presented in EASE 2014 conference (London, UK).

XTic : Automatic Extraction of Developer Expertise

You can find below the details of the corpus of 16 projects we used for the stress test. These data have been extracted on September 5th 2013.
IdUrlRevisionsJava CLOC
1 349 61544
2 872 14691
3 363 27701
4 1168 55951
5 1019 7819
6 1419 79236
7 1022 18813
8 612 92392
9 348 177716
10 182 21361
11 468 40896
12 137 2097
13 698 21114
14 807 44627
15 1282 135644
16 12128